Page 5 - CORDIS


Creating smart, resilient cities for a sustainable future

The vision to create sustainable urban spaces is becoming a reality in several European cities, including Rotterdam, Umea and Glasgow. Thanks to the EU-funded Ruggedised project, Rotterdam is developing and implementing various ...


Laying the groundwork for autonomous transport networks

With the increased use of connected devices and endpoints where Internet of things devices, satellites and sensors produce constant streams of information, the amount of data collected presents significant challenges. In ...


Autonomous on-demand buses underway in the streets of Europe

Would you like to take a ride on a driverless bus? This will be possible in five European cities between April and October 2020, where autonomous buses will be tested in real-life traffic conditions. Three international consortia ...

Computer Sciences

Simplified modelling of application and infrastructure

In recent years, the global market has seen a tremendous rise in utility computing, which serves as the back-end for practically any new technology, methodology or advancement in ICT, from healthcare to aerospace. The industry ...

Energy & Green Tech

Decarbonizing energy supply by using community power

Renewable energy has become a mainstream source of power production. The estimated share of renewables in global electricity generation reached 26 % at the end of 2018, while far less growth occurred in heating, cooling and ...

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