Page 9 - CORDIS


Teaching robots how to interact with children with autism

People with autism see, hear and feel the world differently from other people, which affects how they interact with others. This makes communication-centred activities quite challenging for children with autism spectrum conditions ...

Energy & Green Tech

What's culture got to do with energy consumption?

An EU initiative has launched an online interactive data set of sustainable energy initiatives across Europe. The database could help policymakers reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonise the economy.

Energy & Green Tech

New car heating technology gives zero emissions

Zemission has developed a zero-emission catalytic burner for heating in electric and hybrid vehicles. The device will promote the uptake of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) by increasing their driving range.

Energy & Green Tech

Inside view could make organic solar cells more efficient

Organic solar cells have the potential to become a source of renewable energy which is inexpensive and fast to roll out and scale up. Physicists at the University of Oxford have explored some of the scientific fundamentals ...

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