CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization is Australia's governmental agency for scientific research. CSIRO was originally founded in 1926 as the Advisory Council of Science and Industry. CSIRO employs 6,000 scientists, technicians and support staff with 50 sites around Australia and labs in Mexico and France. CSIRO is divided into 16 operational divisions including but not limited to, Australia Telescope National Laboratory, Energy Technology, Entomology, Material Sciences and Engineering, Sustainable Ecosystems and Molecular and Health Technologies. CSIRO is noted for its work at the Darwin Laboratories, the invention of the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, invention of the insect repellent Aerogar and a series of biological control inhibiting the spread of rabbit hemorrhagic disease. Media inquiries are welcome.

CSIRO Enquiries,Bag 10 Clayton South VIC 3169, Australia
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Can quantum computing protect AI from cyber attacks?

AI algorithms are everywhere. They underpin nearly all autonomous and robotic systems deployed in security applications. This includes facial recognition, biometrics, drones and autonomous vehicles used in combat surveillance ...


Robots of the future: more R2D2 than C3PO

Researchers from Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, have offered a bold glimpse into what the robots of the future could look like. And it's nothing like C3PO, or a T-800 Terminator.

Consumer & Gadgets

Australia installs record-breaking number of rooftop solar panels

Data from the Clean Energy Regulator analyzed by CSIRO shows that in 2020, around Australia, over 362,000 rooftop solar PV installations were issued with small-scale renewable energy scheme certificates (STCs) under the Small-scale ...

Machine learning & AI

Studying art history to understand AI evolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable progress creating images that are not only breathtaking, but astonishingly diverse in style. Ten years ago, such an achievement would have been deemed unlikely by experts. ...


Keeping it real: How to spot a deepfake

In a world where you can create a virtual clone of a person in a matter of minutes, how do we know what's real? It may sound like dystopian science fiction, but deepfakes are a reality causing serious social, financial and ...

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