Duke University

Duke University located in the Research Triangle of Durham, North Carolina traces its roots to 1838 when it was founded by Quakers and Methodists in Trinity, NC. Duke has more than 13,000 undergraduate and graduate students and professional degree students enrolled in its private university. Duke Medical School, School of Engineering, and the School of the Environment are rated very high nationally and internationally. Biomedical research is a very strong point for Duke and its discoveries come in rapid succession. Duke is well funded by endowments, grants and an exceptionally generous alumni.

615 Chapel Drive, Box 90563, Durham, NC 27708-0563
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Computer Sciences

The first AI breast cancer sleuth that shows its work

Computer engineers and radiologists at Duke University have developed an artificial intelligence platform to analyze potentially cancerous lesions in mammography scans to determine if a patient should receive an invasive ...

Computer Sciences

Algorithm eliminates blurred images caused by shaky footage

Duke University computer engineers have designed algorithms capable of sharpening video blurred by a shaky camera. Newly integrated into Adobe's After Effects video editing software, the solution is bringing relief to tripod-less ...

Computer Sciences

Imaginary numbers protect AI from very real threats

Computer engineers at Duke University have demonstrated that using complex numbers—numbers with both real and imaginary components—can play an integral part in securing artificial intelligence algorithms against malicious ...


Web surfing that feels instantaneous, even though it's not

If the coronavirus pandemic drove your life online, you've probably been there: Maybe you're using video chat to get work done or connect with far-flung friends. No matter how much bandwidth you have, the lag between one ...

Machine learning & AI

Could quantum give us the generative AI we're looking for?

Quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) might seem as distant from each other as New York and Los Angeles. But according to Duke Quantum Center (DQC) director Chris Monroe, the two subjects are practically next-door ...


Machine learning shapes microwaves for a computer's eyes

Engineers from Duke University and the Institut de Physique de Nice in France have developed a new method to identify objects using microwaves that improves accuracy while reducing the associated computing time and power ...

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