Page 3 - Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Computer Sciences

Voice technology for the rest of the world

Voice-enabled technologies like Siri have gone from a novelty to a routine way to interact with technology in the past decade. In the coming years, our devices will only get chattier as the market for voice-enabled apps, ...


A personalized exosuit for real-world walking

People rarely walk at a constant speed and a single incline. We change speed when rushing to the next appointment, catching a crosswalk signal, or going for a casual stroll in the park. Slopes change all the time too, whether ...


Soft components for the next generation of soft robotics

Soft robots driven by pressurized fluids could explore new frontiers and interact with delicate objects in ways that traditional rigid robots can't. But building entirely soft robots remains a challenge because many of the ...


Robot mimics the powerful punch of the mantis shrimp

Mantis shrimp pack the strongest punch of any creature in the animal kingdom. Their club-like appendages accelerate faster than a bullet out of a gun and just one strike can knock the arm off a crab or break through a snail ...

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