Page 2 - Heriot-Watt University

Energy & Green Tech

COP26: How bricks could prove central in the drive to net zero

A Heriot-Watt University professor and co-founder of clean tech company Kenoteq, Professor Gabriela Medero, is calling for an overhaul of the construction industry during COP26, recommending an urgent shift to a circular ...


World's first robotic squash coach

A social robot from the National Robotarium, hosted by Heriot-Watt University, has become the world's first squash coach to explore if performance improvements and motivation levels can be increased during a player's solo ...

Energy & Green Tech

The potential of deep learning in managing power networks

Power networks worldwide are faced with increasing challenges. The fast rollout of distributed renewable generation (such as rooftop solar panels or community wind turbines) can lead to considerable unpredictability. The ...


Scientists to cut the 'key' to an unhackable 5G network

Scientists from Heriot-Watt University have secured six-figure funding from Innovate-UK on a project led by BT to develop practical quantum key distribution (QKD) transmitter and receiver modules for short range terrestrial ...

Energy & Green Tech

How to invest in a fairer and low carbon energy system

Governments throughout the world have accelerated their ambitions towards effective climate change mitigation. What is clear, in this challenge of how to tackle the complex and global issue of climate change, is that there ...

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