Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine

Horizon brings you the latest news and features about thought-provoking science and innovative research projects funded by the EU. Our articles are written by independent science journalists and are designed to appeal to both scientists and non-scientists alike. We mix stories on the latest EU-funded research with interviews with leading scientists, all written in a clear, accessible style. Each month we also take an in-depth look at a particular area of research, from 3D printing to Europe's obesity epidemic. Our content is updated daily and access is free. Horizon is published in English, by ICF Next on behalf of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.

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Reducing aircraft noise: One decibel at a time

In mid-December 2023, a demonstration in Ireland revealed the strength of public concerns about noise caused by commercial airplanes. Protesters gathered outside the county offices where the Dublin Airport Authority was discussing ...


Disasters at sea trigger ship-safety advances

When one of the world's largest container ships crashed into the bank of the Suez Canal in 2021, a major gateway for global trade became blocked with an estimated $9.6 billion in daily commerce being held up.

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