Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory or Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the Department of Energy of the USA. Berkeley Lab is a premiere scientific research center with programs in Secure and Sustainable Energy, Novel Materials and Ultra Fast Processes Nanodevices, Matter and Force in the Universe, High Performance Computing and Networking, Biosystems and Health and Earth and Climate Science. Berkeley Labs Scientific Divisions include Accelerator and Fusion Research Division, Advanced Light Source, Physical Bioscience Division, Physics, Engineering, Life Science and Material Science and other state of the art divisions. Berkeley Labs has achieved greatness in their research and opportunities for study by esteemed scientists and engineers.

MS 65, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA 94720
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Energy & Green Tech

New insights lead to better next-gen solar cells

For Michael Saliba and Mahdi Malekshahi, it was one of those moments in science when good experimental results raised more questions. The University of Stuttgart researchers recently developed a new process to make solar ...

Energy & Green Tech

While rare, why do batteries sometimes catch fire and explode?

How likely would an electric vehicle battery self-combust and explode? The chances of that happening are actually pretty slim: Some analysts say that gasoline vehicles are nearly 30 times more likely to catch fire than electric ...


Making rad maps with robot dogs

In 2013, researchers carried a Microsoft Kinect camera through houses in Japan's Fukushima Prefecture. The device's infrared light traced the contours of the buildings, making a rough 3D map. On top of this, the team layered ...


Accelerating sustainable semiconductors with 'multielement ink'

Semiconductors are the heart of almost every electronic device. Without semiconductors, our computers would not be able to process and retain data; and LED (light-emitting diode) lightbulbs would lose their ability to shine.

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