Murdoch University

Murdoch University is a public university based in Perth, Australia. It began operations as the state's second university in 1973, and accepted its first students in 1975. Its name is taken from Sir Walter Murdoch (1874–1970), the Founding Professor of English and former Chancellor of The University of Western Australia. Murdoch University is a research intensive institution and a member of Innovative Research Universities Australia (IRU Australia). According to The Australian newspaper ("What makes a good school of journalism"), Graduate Careers Council of Australia found its Journalism School is one of Australia's top five. Murdoch University is the founder of the ACICIS (Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies) Study Indonesia program, a non-profit consortium of Australian universities that was established in 1994 to coordinate semester-long study programs at partner universities in Yogyakarta and Malang in Indonesia, for Australian university students. Murdoch University is home to over 18,500 students including 3,000 international students from over 100 different countries.

Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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Energy & Green Tech

Microgrids could help solve challenges of renewable energy

Renewable energy is the way of the future, but issues such as variability and surplus generation have so far created headaches in the move to fully utilizing these energy solutions. New research led by Murdoch University, ...