Page 5 - Northwestern University

Consumer & Gadgets

Smart necklace will know you binged on Chunky Monkey

There you are wrist deep into a quart of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey, digging ever deeper. You can't deny it. Your necklace is recording the ice-cream binge, which it will later dispatch to a coach or dietician.

Energy & Green Tech

Data centers use less energy than you think

If the world is using more and more data, then it must be using more and more energy, right? Not so, says a comprehensive new analysis.


Swarming robots avoid collisions, traffic jams

For self-driving vehicles to become an everyday reality, they need to safely and flawlessly navigate one another without crashing or causing unnecessary traffic jams.


'Epidermal VR' gives technology a human touch

Imagine holding hands with a loved one on the other side of the world. Or feeling a pat on the back from a teammate in the online game "Fortnite."

Computer Sciences

Predicting terror activity before it happens

Data scientists have developed an early-warning model that can successfully predict how lethal a terror organization will become in the future based on only its first 10 attacks.

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