Page 11 - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Energy & Green Tech

Targeting the perfect metal-organic framework cooling combination

Scientists have known for two decades about a more environmentally friendly way to cool large buildings that is less expensive than conventional cooling systems. The challenge has been making those systems efficient for everyday ...

Energy & Green Tech

Deep learning cuts costs in building control

American buildings consume roughly 40 percent of U.S. energy, much of which is expended on heating, cooling, and ventilation. Enhanced control methods can help reduce energy consumption. Model Predictive Control (MPC) has ...

Computer Sciences

Protecting essential connections in a tangled web

It's winter. And as any frequent traveler knows, winter can mean airport weather delays. A blizzard in Minneapolis, a major airport hub, can quickly lead to delays in balmy Miami or foggy London.


Testing new turbines goes swimmingly with sensor fish

Working on top of Ice Harbor Dam, a team of PNNL researchers had little time to appreciate the view. It was a beautiful, sunny fall day in early October and the team was on its 4th day of releasing Sensor Fish to travel through ...

Computer Sciences

New AI model tries to synthesize patient data like doctors do

Artificial intelligence will never replace a doctor. However, researchers at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have taken a big step toward the day when AI can help physicians predict medical ...

Energy & Green Tech

Video captures bubble-blowing battery in action

With about three times the energy capacity by weight of today's lithium-ion batteries, lithium-air batteries could one day enable electric cars to drive farther on a single charge.


Securing the food pipeline from cyberattacks

Sensors detecting the amount of food that herds of cattle are eating. Machines taking thousands of photos of fruit per second to detect their defects and sort them by quality. Robots packing fruit and vegetables into bags ...

Energy & Green Tech

Wind forecast improvement project saves millions for utilities

The wind doesn't always blow where it's needed–that's the biggest hurdle in fitting wind energy to the nation's portfolio of renewable energy. When the wind isn't blowing, utility companies must turn to other electricity ...

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