Page 9 - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


On-site hydrogen production technology accelerates to market

A new technology that generates hydrogen from conventional natural gas, or renewable natural gas made from biomass, could be the next big thing to advance California's Hydrogen Highway, fuel cell vehicles and trucks and to ...

Energy & Green Tech

Invention reduces risk of battery explosions

A deceptively simple sensor system developed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory can prevent dangerous conditions from developing in outdoor battery cabinets.


Improving grid reliability in the face of extreme events

The nation's power grid remains vulnerable to disruption from extreme events including wildfires, severe storms, and cyberattacks. Variable generation resources and load volatility also present operational challenges to grid ...


Shoe scanner technology on the horizon

Take your shoes off and place them in the bin! That's been part of the flying experience since 2006. It's the outcome of a number of threats to the aviation sector that emerged after the fateful events of September 11, 2001, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Biocrude passes the 2,000-hour catalyst stability test

A large-scale demonstration converting biocrude to renewable diesel fuel has passed a significant test, operating for more than 2,000 hours continuously without losing effectiveness. Scientists and engineers led by the U.S. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Residential batteries for solar power benefit owners and grid

In-home storage of electricity—which can be generated by residential solar panels—can save a homeowner money on their electric bills. It also can benefit the electric company and the power grid. That's the takeaway from ...

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