Page 9 - Princeton University


Wearable devices could diagnose illness as it emerges

Wearable medical sensors used widely in hospitals and clinics are spreading into the mainstream as tech companies increasingly incorporate them into popular electronics, from Apple's smart watches to Fitbit fitness bands.

Computer Sciences

Old phones get new life in high-powered computer servers

While most consumers don't pay much attention to the fate of dead smartphones, Princeton University researchers are envisioning a way to breathe new life into them. Instead of tossing old phones in a junk drawer or burying ...

Energy & Green Tech

Air pollution cuts solar energy potential in China

China is rapidly expanding its solar power supply, hoping to meet 10 percent of the nation's electricity needs with solar energy by 2030. But there's a problem: severe air pollution is blocking light from the sun, significantly ...

Energy & Green Tech

Self-powered system makes smart windows smarter

Smart windows equipped with controllable glazing can augment lighting, cooling and heating systems by varying their tint, saving up to 40 percent in an average building's energy costs.

Computer Sciences

Technology edits voices like text

Anyone who ever used a typewriter will recall the difficulty of fixing a misspelled or poorly chosen word—remember whiteout and correction tape?


Your 'anonmyized' web browsing history may not be anonymous

Raising further questions about privacy on the internet, researchers from Princeton and Stanford universities have released a study showing that a specific person's online behavior can be identified by linking anonymous web ...


New tool detects malicious websites before they cause harm

Malicious websites promoting scams, distributing malware and collecting phished credentials pervade the web. As quickly as we block or blacklist them, criminals set up new domain names to support their activities. Now a research ...

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