Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University

The Tepper School of Business is the business school of Carnegie Mellon University. It is located in the university's campus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.

5000 Forbes Ave Pennsylvania, US
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Machine learning & AI

Study showcases new method for better grouping in data analysis

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and UC Berkeley have developed a new method to improve how computers organize and analyze large datasets. This advancement improves the ability to extract information from knowledge ...


Study finds limited explanations in AI might benefit consumers

Recent algorithms in artificial intelligence (AI) are often referred to as "black box" models, meaning their inputs and operations are not visible to the user or any other party, making their decisions difficult to interpret. ...


Robots and rights: Confucianism offers an alternative

Philosophers and legal scholars have explored significant aspects of the moral and legal status of robots, with some advocating for giving robots rights. As robots assume more roles in the world, a new analysis reviewed research ...