University of Bristol

The University of Bristol received its Royal Charter in 1909. However, the university has a rich history going back to 1595. Today, the University of Bristol has nearly 23,000 undergraduate and graduate students and is ranked as one of the top ten universities in the U.K. The University of Bristol is located in Bristol, England and draws students from all over Europe. World ranking panels rate the University of Bristol in the top 100 of all universities world-wide. Acclaim for the Computer Science, Electronics and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biological Sciences and Mathematics schools of the University of Bristol in rating by the Times Higher Education Supplement is noted.

Senate House, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TH, UK.
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The London Millennium Bridge wobble finally explained

An international team of engineers and mathematicians, led by Georgia State University in the United States and the University of Bristol, has dispelled previous theories around why London's Millennium Bridge moves from side-to-side ...

Machine learning & AI

World's first massive egocentric dataset

The University of Bristol is part of an international consortium of 13 universities in partnership with Facebook AI, that collaborated to advance egocentric perception. As a result of this initiative, we have built the world's ...


Should planes be more like birds?

Would planes be better if they were more like birds? Engineers from the University of Bristol and the Royal Veterinary College have been studying our feathered-friends to answer this very question, the answer to which will ...


Researchers create a camera that knows exactly where it is

Researchers from the University of Bristol have demonstrated how a new special type of camera can build a pictorial map of where it has been and use this map to know where it currently is, something that will be incredibly ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Developing intelligent cameras that can learn

Intelligent cameras could be one step closer thanks to a research collaboration between the Universities of Bristol and Manchester who have developed cameras that can learn and understand what they are seeing.


Robot jaws show medicated chewing gum could be the future

Medicated chewing gum has been recognized as a new advanced drug delivery method but currently there is no gold standard for testing drugs released from chewing gum in vitro. New research has shown a chewing robot with built-in ...

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