Page 3 - University of California - Berkeley


Can bats help us design a better driverless car?

Fruit bats aren't the first words that comes to mind when you think of driverless cars. But in their nightly forays for fruit and nectar, they routinely solve many of the engineering challenges that have stalled efforts ...


Researchers snap first image of an 'electron ice'

More than 90 years ago, physicist Eugene Wigner predicted that at low densities and cold temperatures, electrons that usually zip through materials would freeze into place, forming an electron ice, or what has been dubbed ...


Inequality built into the grid

It is known that future uptake of distributed energy resources like wind and solar could be limited due to constraints in electrical grids. Now, a study from Berkeley researchers shows that grid limitations in California ...

Energy & Green Tech

Lichens may one day detoxify the air in your home

When smoke from fires darken the skies as they did last summer, hunkering down indoors makes good sense. But on most days throughout the year, the air we breathe indoors carries far more pollutants than outdoor air. Exposure ...

Energy & Green Tech

Low-income Californians pay unequal share of state's power costs

Californians not only pay some of the highest electricity rates in the country, but they pay two-to-three-times more for power than it costs to provide, according to a report by researchers at the Energy Institute at Haas ...

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