University of Michigan

The University of Michigan (U-M) was founded in 1817. The main campus is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan with campuses in Flint and Dearborn Michigan. The University of Michigan is a preeminent science and medical research institution. University of Michigan is a public institution that confers undergraduate degrees and advanced degrees in a host of subject areas. The Ann Arbor campus is comprised of 500 buildings and is noted for its world class studies. U-M is ranked 18 among the best universities world-wide by World University Rankings.

412 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1399
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Computer Sciences

New method ensures complex programs are bug-free without testing

A team of researchers have devised a way to verify that a class of complex programs is bug-free without the need for traditional software testing. Called Armada, the system makes use of a technique called formal verification ...


3-D printing 100 times faster with light

Rather than building up plastic filaments layer by layer, a new approach to 3-D printing lifts complex shapes from a vat of liquid at up to 100 times faster than conventional 3-D printing processes, University of Michigan ...


A surprisingly simple way to foil car thieves

Skyrocketing vehicle theft rates in some U.S. cities have drawn attention to an inconvenient truth: the increasing amount of technology in our vehicles can make them increasingly vulnerable to hacking or theft.


Smarter 3D printing makes better parts faster

3D printers may soon get better at producing intricate metal and plastic parts, thanks to new software developed at the University of Michigan that reduces harmful heat buildup in laser powder bed fusion printers.


Roofing drone nails down shingles

An octocopter capable of attaching asphalt shingles to roofs with a nail gun has been demonstrated at the University of Michigan.

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