Page 2 - University of Queensland


Major overhaul needed for net zero future

If Australia is to achieve a net zero future, we need "out-of-the-box" thinking and a major economic overhaul, according to study involving The University of Queensland.

Energy & Green Tech

Can EV spare battery capacity support the grid?

The University of Queensland has launched a world-first international trial to see if the spare battery capacity in electric vehicles (EV) could be used to support the uptake of renewable energy, support the grid, and potentially ...


Need for speed in COVID–19 digital contact tracing

Australia's COVIDSafe app needs to be faster and have higher uptake rates to be effective as the nation's digital contact tracing solution, according to a working paper released by The University of Queensland's Institute ...


Combating combustible cladding hazards

University of Queensland engineering researchers have developed a database of building materials to help industry professionals assess the risk of combustible cladding and boost the safety of our homes and workplaces.


One person's waste glass becomes another person's treasure

In a bid to preserve the world's second most used natural resource—sand—University of Queensland Ph.D. candidate Danish Kazmi has developed a sustainable solution that could reduce its use in the construction industry.


Drones sensing by a whisker

A University of Queensland engineer has followed nature's example and developed whiskers for drones and robots, allowing machines to sense surroundings just as animals do.

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