University of Southern California

The University of Southern California (USC) was founded in 1880 and is the oldes private research center in the West. USC divides the campus into University Park which houses the College of Letters and Science and professional schools and The Health Science campus. The Health Science campus is North of the Los Angeles University Park campus and houses the Keck School of Medicine, School of Dentistry and three major-teaching hospitals. USC is known for its Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy and Biokinseology and Physical Therapy and Biomedical Engineering research and Chemistry department.

Public Affairs Dept. University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90033
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Computer Sciences

How easy is it to get AIs to talk like a partisan?

Recently, stories about AI have been leading the news, including deals about publications licensing their content, or content errors made by AI. Now, a new paper by computer science Ph.D. student Kai Chen, Professor Kristina ...

Energy & Green Tech

Ocean-inspired tech could speed up carbon capture from ships

The ocean has a hidden talent, honed over millennia: the ability to capture and store vast quantities of carbon dioxide, a key driver of climate change. However, the ocean's natural carbon capture cycles, which take hundreds ...

Machine learning & AI

Diversifying data to beat bias

AI holds the potential to revolutionize health care, but it also brings with it a significant challenge: bias. For instance, a dermatologist might use an AI-driven system to help identify suspicious moles. But what if the ...

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