Consumer & Gadgets

Smart finger ring with integrated RFID chip

House key, wallet, health insurance card, hotel key card—a smart finger ring could replace all these in the future. Produced by a 3D printing process, the ring has an integrated RFID chip, tamper-proof, sealed and invisible. ...


Simple method to upcycle okara using 3D printing

Researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) developed a method to perform direct ink writing (DIW) 3D printing of okara—a soybean byproduct generated from the production of soy milk and bean ...


Defeating cyberattacks on 3-D printers

With cyberattacks on 3D printers likely to threaten health and safety, researchers at Rutgers University-New Brunswick and Georgia Institute of Technology have developed novel methods to combat them, according to a groundbreaking ...


3-D printing could revolutionize laser design

LLNL researchers are exploring the use of metal 3D printing to create strong, lightweight structures for advanced laser systems - an effort they say could alter the way lasers are designed in the future.

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