
What Spotify and Tinder aren't telling us

Online activity is increasingly influenced by algorithmic recommendations based on data gathered about consumer behavior by companies that are often reluctant to disclose what data they're gathering or how they are using ...


FTC official raps Facebook for booting political ads probe

A senior Federal Trade Commission official is criticizing Facebook's move to shut down the personal accounts of two academic researchers and terminate their probe into misinformation spread through political ads on the social ...


New perception metric balances reaction time, accuracy

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a new metric for evaluating how well self-driving cars respond to changing road conditions and traffic, making it possible for the first time to compare perception ...

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning can predict market behavior, study says

Machine learning can assess the effectiveness of mathematical tools used to predict the movements of financial markets, according to new Cornell research based on the largest dataset ever used in this area.


3Q: Collaborating with users to develop accessible designs

Academic researchers and others have long struggled with making data visualizations accessible to people who are blind. One technological approach has been 3-D printing tactile representations of data, in the form of raised ...


Examining a video's changes over time helps flag deepfakes

It used to be that only Hollywood production companies with deep pockets and teams of skilled artists and technicians could make deepfake videos, realistic fabrications appearing to show people doing and saying things they ...

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