
Cathay Pacific reports first-half loss of US$1.27 billion

Hong Kong carrier Cathay Pacific said Wednesday it lost HK$9.9 billion (US$1.27 billion) in the first half of this year as the coronavirus pandemic sent passenger numbers tumbling, eviscerating its business.


Singapore Airlines to pilot digital COVID travel pass

Singapore Airlines will begin trialling a coronavirus digital travel pass developed by aviation's industry body next week, the carrier said Monday, the first airline to pilot the scheme as the pandemic-hit sector seeks to ...


Hard hit by virus, airlines push for tests over quarantines

What will it take to get people flying again? International air traffic is down 92% this year as travelers worry about catching COVID-19 and government travel bans and quarantine rules make planning difficult. One thing airlines ...


Airbus scraps A350 contract with Qatar Airways in feud

European aircraft maker Airbus has cancelled its contract to deliver 19 A350 planes to Qatar Airways, a source close to the matter said Wednesday, amid a feud between the two aviation giants.


Omicron causes sharp drop in airline ticket sales: IATA

Airline ticket sales fell sharply at the end of 2021, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said Wednesday, blaming governments for having "over-reacted" to the Omicron COVID variant by closing borders.


Aviation industry warns of cargo capacity shortfall

The global aviation industry warned Tuesday of a severe cargo capacity shortage as airlines around the world slash jobs and suffer plunges in profits due to the coronavirus crisis.

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