Hi Tech & Innovation

Combining news media and AI to rapidly identify flooded buildings

Artificial intelligence (AI) has sped up the process of detecting flooded buildings immediately after a large-scale flood, allowing emergency personnel to direct their efforts efficiently. Now, a research group from Tohoku ...


Road building won't cut congestion or boost the economy

British politicians, national and local, tend to like investing in roads. The Treasury believes that the Department for Transport's approach to economic analysis is sound, and so is willing to award substantial funds. The ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Tethered drones have wireless data covered

Keeping up with wireless demand is a never-ending endeavor for data providers, who often contend with temporary high-usage hotspots that might be underserviced by the fixed-base station network. Tethered drones could provide ...

Computer Sciences

Large computer language models carry environmental, social risks

Computer engineers at the world's largest companies and universities are using machines to scan through tomes of written material. The goal? Teach these machines the gift of language. Do that, some even claim, and computers ...

Energy & Green Tech

Simple tools reveal high-fidelity truth in lithium-ion batteries

Acceleration due to gravity here on Earth is about 9.8m/s2, but if you're trying to build a rocket that will escape Earth's pull, you're going to have to do better than that. You would need to factor in wind resistance, heat ...

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