Consumer & Gadgets

Coronavirus tracking app that puts privacy first

By now, it's no surprise that contact tracing— identifying a sick person's recent interactions to determine who else they might have infected—could be an effective way of controlling the coronavirus outbreak.

Energy & Green Tech

'Tequila' powered biofuels more efficient than corn or sugar

The agave plant used to make tequila could be established in semi-arid Australia as an environmentally friendly solution to Australia's transport fuel shortage, a team of researchers at the University of Sydney, University ...


SETI@Home ends its public phase, hunt for aliens continues

For the general public, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is almost over. On March 2, SETI@home revealed its crowdsourced supercomputing application will go into hibernation on March 30 of this year.


Keeping up with the conversation

Most people find it difficult to concentrate on a specific voice in a busy environment, but for those who are hard of hearing it's especially challenging. Now, however, a new type of hearing aid, developed with the assistance ...

Machine learning & AI

Artificial intelligence brings greater precision to operations

Operations based on an MRI or CT scan are made trickier by the fact that people can never lie completely still. Doctoral candidate Koen Eppenhof has shown that an algorithm based on deep learning can be used to correct for ...

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