Machine learning & AI

AI can detect depression in a child's speech

A machine learning algorithm can detect signs of anxiety and depression in the speech patterns of young children, potentially providing a fast and easy way of diagnosing conditions that are difficult to spot and often overlooked ...

Energy & Green Tech

Coordinated development could help wind farms be better neighbors

As onshore and offshore wind energy farms have proliferated globally in recent years, new research led by the University of Colorado Boulder highlights a previously underexplored consequence: a wake effect from upwind wind ...


Software tool could help architects design efficient buildings

Typically, when architects or engineers design a new building, it's only at the end of the process—if ever—that a life cycle analysis of the building's environmental impact is carried out. And by then, it may be too late ...

Computer Sciences

Fake news detector algorithm works better than a human

An algorithm-based system that identifies telltale linguistic cues in fake news stories could provide news aggregator and social media sites like Google News with a new weapon in the fight against misinformation.

Computer Sciences

DNA techniques could transform facial recognition technology

When police in London recently trialled a new facial recognition system, they made a worrying and embarrassing mistake. At the Notting Hill Carnival, the technology made roughly 35 false matches between known suspects and ...

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