Consumer & Gadgets

RFID tag arrays track body movements, shape changes

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have found ways to track body movements and detect shape changes using arrays of RFID tags. RFID-embedded clothing thus could be used to control avatars in video games—much like in ...


'Wi-Fi 'antenna' provides options for rural areas

Ah, the joys of living out in the country: the quiet, the space and the peacefulness. Then there's the internet connection, which can go from bad to worse quickly in many rural areas.


Stretching the boundaries of medical tech with wearable antennae

Current research on flexible electronics is paving the way for wireless sensors that can be worn on the body and collect a variety of medical data. But where do the data go? Without a similar flexible transmitting device, ...


Origami-inspired antenna technology for use in small satellites

Modern telecommunication systems rely on satellites to relay signals across the globe quickly and reliably, enabling users to send messages across the world in an instant, watch live television, or—more recently—hold ...

Engineers design next-generation non-reciprocal antenna

Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have designed an antenna that is able to process incoming and outgoing radio-wave signals more efficiently and without the need for separate ...

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