
Deal reached on US 5G antennas near airports: FAA

The Federal Aviation Authority said Friday that mobile operators AT&T and Verizon have reached an agreement with airlines for the gradual deployment of additional 5G antennas around US airports.


Developing a liquid radio antenna

Solid, metal antennae have been the standard in a wide range of technologies for decades, including a wide variety of radio communications and scanning such as radar. However, research into the concept of liquid antennae ...


How a drone can soar without using GPS

Drones use GPS to find their way without a pilot. But GPS signals can be easily blocked by tall skyscrapers or trees—leaving drones lost.


Tiny antennas show promise in defense sector

Electrical engineering research into extremely small antennas has made progress that could have a major impact on secure information exchange, giving the U.S. access to a band of frequency no other country can reach.

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