Consumer & Gadgets

Body-monitoring tech trend comes with concerns

A ring shimmers on display at the Consumer Electronics Show, but this is no mere piece of jewelry—it's packed with sensors capable of detecting body temperature, respiration and much more.


Revolutionizing data access through new software tool: Tiled

Every time scientists study a new material for future batteries or investigate diseases to develop new drugs, they must wade through an ocean of data. Today, a whole ecosystem of scientific tools creates a wild variety of ...


Sweden's Ericsson to buy US cloud operator Vonage

Ericsson said Monday it was acquiring US cloud-based communications provider Vonage, in the Swedish company's biggest acquisition in recent memory as it widens its operations beyond its traditional telecommunications equipment ...


Building a template for the future 6G network

Traditional networks are unable to keep up with the demands of modern computing, such as cutting-edge computation and bandwidth-demanding services like video analytics and cybersecurity. In recent years, there has been a ...

Machine learning & AI

Researchers psychoanalyse AI

We do not know exactly what is going on inside the "brain" of artificial intelligence (AI), and therefore we are not able to accurately predict its actions. We can run tests and experiments, but we cannot always predict and ...

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