Energy & Green Tech

Magnetism: An unexpected push for the hydrogen economy

Humankind has entered uncharted territory: atmospheric CO2 levels have soared to a record-breaking 415 ppm for the first time in human history. The need to find a sustainable alternative to CO2-producing fuels is urgent. ...


A snake robot controlled by biomimetic CPGs

In recent years, a growing number of studies has been aimed at developing robots inspired by nature, particularly by certain species of animals. In a study published in Atlantis Press' Journal of Robotics, Networking and ...


Where is George? Ask this software to look at the crowd

George is a zebrafish. Along with Tom and 98 other mates, George swims freely in a laboratory tank at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (CCU), in Lisbon, Portugal. A camera records from above a video of all the animals' ...

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