Computer Sciences

New method allows AI to learn indefinitely

A team of AI researchers and computer scientists at the University of Alberta has found that current artificial networks used with deep-learning systems lose their ability to learn during extended training on new data. In ...


Thinking about the rise of brain-inspired computing

The recent widespread and long-lasting chaos caused by Microsoft outages across the globe exemplifies just how integral computing has become to our lives. Yet, as computer hardware and software improve, arguably the most ...

Machine learning & AI

Ensuring safety and fairness in artificial intelligence

Many decisions that were previously made by humans will be left to machines in the future. But can we really rely on the decisions made by artificial intelligence? In sensitive areas, people would like a guarantee that the ...

Computer Sciences

Neural network learns to build maps using Minecraft

Imagine you are in the middle of an unknown town. Even if your surroundings are initially unfamiliar, you can explore around and eventually create a mental map of your environment—where the buildings, streets, signs, and ...

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