Machine learning & AI

Framing artistic style with AI

Research in the International Journal of Arts and Technology has looked at how generative adversarial networks (GANs) might be used to transform an artistic image with a given style into a similar image with a different style. ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Exploring text-to-audio models to make music from scratch

Type a few words into a text-to-image model, and you'll end up with a weirdly accurate, completely unique picture. While this tool is fun to play with, it also opens up avenues of creative application and exploration and ...


Making music streaming more fair for artists

The way people listen to music has drastically changed in the past few decades. In a recent survey of internet users by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), 78% said they listen to music through ...


Is AI the future of art?

To many they are art's next big thing—digital images of jellyfish pulsing and blurring in a dark pink sea, or dozens of butterflies fusing together into a single organism.


NFT of first-ever tweet a dud in online auction

An NFT of the first tweet ever posted on Twitter was struggling to attract bidders on Thursday, with the highest offer so far just shy of $10,000—a year after it was bought for $2.9 million.


Pricey pixels: Why people spend fortunes on NFT art

Thousands of artists beaver away every day creating images to sell as digital tokens (NFTs) in online exchanges. The market is booming, the most popular pieces can sell for millions, but outsiders may wonder why anyone would ...

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