Energy & Green Tech

New Tesla battery poised to reshape auto economics

Tesla will introduce a new battery later this year that promises longer performance and lower cost that will position the auto manufacturer to bring vehicle prices in line with gasoline-powered competitors.

Energy & Green Tech

The demise of the internal combustion engine

The Ford Model T did not end the horse, but it did replace it as America's primary means of transportation. Just as people still love and ride horses, so too will people love and ride their old jalopies. But starting in 2035, ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

US firms have only few days supply of semiconductors: govt

American companies have an average of less than five days worth of semiconductors on hand, a level leaving them vulnerable to production shutdowns if supply is disrupted, the Commerce Department said Tuesday.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Japan approves chip development project with Taiwan's TSMC

Japan has signed off on a $338 million semiconductor research project to develop cutting-edge chip technology in the country with the market-leading Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).

Electronics & Semiconductors

Why the semiconductor shortage won't end soon

Your smartphone? It runs on a semiconductor. The innards of your PlayStation? It runs on a semiconductor. The display in your car? Yes, that too runs on a semiconductor.


Toyota, Suzuki partnering in self-driving car technology

Japan's top automaker, Toyota, and smaller rival Suzuki are partnering in the development of self-driving car technology, as manufacturers around the world grapple with innovations in the industry.

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