
Autonomous steering system keeps human drivers engaged

Researchers from EPFL and JTEKT Corporation have developed an automated driving system based on the concept of "collaborative steering," which aims to increase transportation safety, efficiency, and comfort by encouraging ...


11 more crash deaths are linked to automated-tech vehicles

Eleven people were killed in U.S. crashes involving vehicles that were using automated driving systems during a four-month period earlier this year, according to newly released government data, part of an alarming pattern ...


Do you trust automated cars? If not, you're not alone

Picture yourself speeding down the highway with no hands on the wheel, checking your emails while your car takes care of responding to what's happening on the road. Would you trust your car to make the right decisions? If ...


Researchers expand study of ethics, artificial intelligence

The Army of the future will involve humans and autonomous machines working together to accomplish the mission. According to Army researchers, this vision will only succeed if artificial intelligence is perceived to be ethical.

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