
Do autonomous driving features really make roads safer?

In recent years, more vehicles include partially autonomous driving features, such as blind spot detectors, automatic braking and lane sensing, which are said to increase safety. However, a recent study by researchers from ...


China grants first driverless taxi permits to Baidu,

China has granted Chinese internet services company Baidu and a rival autonomous car company,, permits to provide driverless ride-hailing services to the public in Beijing, a significant regulatory step in the country's ...


New AI method makes self-driving vehicles better drivers

In traffic, humans are used to constantly anticipating what will happen next. This reasoning ability is something that today's self-driving vehicles and AI systems in general are lacking. In a recent study, together with ...

Computer Sciences

i-Cave: The future of moving forward

Can you develop a vehicle that can drive both cooperatively, that is, in a column with others, and autonomously? This is the central question of the research program i-Cave, which started in 2015. Now, five years later, the ...


Self-driving race cars make history in Indianapolis

The winner was not a driver but an algorithm on Saturday at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, where the top car clocked an average speed of 218 km/h (135 mph), ushering autonomous vehicles into a new era.

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