Hi Tech & Innovation

Driverless cars are forcing cities to become smart

Autonomous vehicles are coming and they have the potential to radically better our lives. But to reap the rewards of this new technology, we first have to adapt the world to its requirements. This means preparing the way ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Self-driving cars and humans face inevitable collisions

In 1938, when there were just about one-tenth the number of cars on U.S. roadways as there are today, a brilliant psychologist and a pragmatic engineer joined forces to write one of the most influential works ever published ...


Capio is putting the 'smart' in 'smart car'

One of the most popular tropes in sci-fi—be it James Bond, Knightrider, what have you—is the intelligent car sidekick. It can drive itself, see its surroundings, carry on conversations. With advances in autonomous vehicle ...

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