Machine learning & AI

Vienna conference urges regulation of AI weapons

The world should establish a set of rules to regulate AI weapons while they're still in their infancy, a global conference said on Tuesday, calling the issue an "Oppenheimer moment" of the time.

Machine learning & AI

US launches artificial intelligence military use initiative

The United States launched an initiative Thursday promoting international cooperation on the responsible use of artificial intelligence and autonomous weapons by militaries, seeking to impose order on an emerging technology ...


What killer robots mean for the future of war

You might have heard of killer robots, slaughterbots or terminators—officially called lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs)—from films and books. And the idea of super-intelligent weapons running rampant is still science fiction. ...


Should we ban killer robots?

Lethal autonomous weapons systems demand careful consideration but nightmare scenarios of the future won't become reality anytime soon, says a UNSW Canberra military ethicist.

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