
Technology helps self-driving cars learn from their own memories

An autonomous vehicle is able to navigate city streets and other less-busy environments by recognizing pedestrians, other vehicles and potential obstacles through artificial intelligence. This is achieved with the help ...


Robots found to turn racist and sexist with flawed AI

A robot operating with a popular Internet-based artificial intelligence system consistently gravitates to men over women, white people over people of color, and jumps to conclusions about peoples' jobs after a glance at their ...


Insect-inspired AI for autonomous robots

Small autonomous mobile robots, such as drones, rovers, and legged robots, promise to perform a wide range of tasks, from autonomously monitoring crops in greenhouses to last-kilometer delivery. These applications require ...


US report: Nearly 400 crashes of automated tech vehicles

Automakers reported nearly 400 crashes over a 10-month period involving vehicles with partially automated driver-assist systems, including 273 with Teslas, according to statistics released Wednesday by U.S. safety regulators.


Building the first robots to clean up ocean floor litter

There are up to 66 million tons of waste in our oceans today, and the overwhelming majority of it is found on the ocean floor. However, with the exception of a few potentially dangerous operations using human divers, most ...


Exploring the limits of shared autonomous micro-mobility

What will be the impact of shared autonomous micro-mobility systems? Will autonomy make micro-mobility systems even more efficient and attractive? Researchers at the MIT City Science group explore this and many other questions ...

Computer Sciences

Autonomous vehicles can be tricked into dangerous driving behavior

When a driverless car is in motion, one faulty decision by its collision-avoidance system can lead to disaster, but researchers at the University of California, Irvine have identified another possible risk: Autonomous vehicles ...

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