
Fleets of drones could aid searches for lost hikers

Finding lost hikers in forests can be a difficult and lengthy process, as helicopters and drones can't get a glimpse through the thick tree canopy. Recently, it's been proposed that autonomous drones, which can bob and weave ...


Researchers expand study of ethics, artificial intelligence

The Army of the future will involve humans and autonomous machines working together to accomplish the mission. According to Army researchers, this vision will only succeed if artificial intelligence is perceived to be ethical.


Words prove their worth as teaching tools for robots

Exploring a new way to teach robots, Princeton researchers have found that human-language descriptions of tools can accelerate the learning of a simulated robotic arm lifting and using a variety of tools.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Machine learning drives self-driving approach from Wayve

For the self-driving car skittish, what could be more of a nail-biter than imagining your autonomous car making its way down narrow city streets in the UK, parking permitted on both sides of the space-choked narrow path, ...

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