
UK to roll out first driverless bus service

The UK will roll out its first driverless bus network in Scotland next week with drivers on standby behind the steering wheel, ready to take control should an emergency arise.


What killer robots mean for the future of war

You might have heard of killer robots, slaughterbots or terminators—officially called lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs)—from films and books. And the idea of super-intelligent weapons running rampant is still science fiction. ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Self-driving the longest route yet

A project researching the latest autonomous vehicle technologies has successfully completed a 230-mile self-navigated journey on UK roads.


How a drone can soar without using GPS

Drones use GPS to find their way without a pilot. But GPS signals can be easily blocked by tall skyscrapers or trees—leaving drones lost.


One day, a plane could give you flying lessons

Vehicles make more decisions for people than we might realize – and they have been for a while. Just nine years after the Wright brothers successfully flew the first plane in 1903, autopilot was invented. Cruise control ...

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