
Uber offers robotaxi rides in Las Vegas

Uber users in Las Vegas can now ride in fully autonomous vehicles, as the ride-hailing app on Wednesday began its partnership with Motional, a driverless technology company.


Robotic arms extend the reach of UV disinfection

Since the pandemic began, people are focused on keeping their home and workspaces squeaky clean as an important step to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Hospitals and labs, especially, are meticulous.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Five reasons why autonomous cars aren't coming anytime soon

In the world of autonomous vehicles, Pittsburgh and Silicon Valley are bustling hubs of development and testing. But ask those involved in self-driving vehicles when we might actually see them carrying passengers in every ...


First autonomous car demonstration in Luxembourg traffic

The University of Luxembourg's Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) demonstrated its autonomous car in live traffic on Kirchberg today, Thursday, November 3, 2022. This represents the first time ...

What are these 'levels' of autonomous vehicles?

As automated and autonomous vehicles become more common on U.S. roads, it's worth a look at what these machines can – and can't – do. At the University of Michigan's Mcity, where I serve as director, we're working to ...

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