Electronics & Semiconductors

Computer simulations aid scientists in gauging battery performance

A crucial but poorly-studied parameter that dictates battery performance is the migration barrier. It determines the rate at which ions move through an electrode inside the battery, and ultimately the rate at which it charges ...


Barrier-connecting prototype shows prowess in crash tests

Highway drivers passing through construction zones may not give second or even first thought to the barriers that separate their vehicles from the workers on the other side of them. But those barriers—usually precast, portable ...

Consumer & Gadgets

It's 2022. Why do we still not have waterproof phones?

While manufacturers have successfully increased the water-repelling nature of smartphones, they are still far from "waterproof." A water-resistant product can usually resist water penetration to some extent, but a waterproof ...


Breakthrough in faster-than-sound jet engines

Almost 75 years ago, U.S. Air Force pilot Chuck Yeager became the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound. Engineers have been pushing the boundaries of ultrafast flight ever since, attaining speeds most of us ...

Computer Sciences

AI points the way to better doctor-patient communication

A computer analysis of hundreds of thousands of secure email messages between doctors and patients found that most doctors use language that is too complex for their patients to understand. The study also uncovered strategies ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Towards more energy-efficient 2D semiconductor devices

According to researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), a recently discovered family of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors could pave the way for high-performance and energy-efficient electronics. ...

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