
Robo-bug: A rechargeable, remote-controllable cyborg cockroach

An international team led by researchers at the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR) has engineered a system for creating remote controlled cyborg cockroaches, equipped with a tiny wireless control module that is powered ...

Energy & Green Tech

New material pushes sodium-ion batteries to phase out costly lithium

With lithium prices over five times higher than they were a year ago, researchers from Skoltech and Lomonosov Moscow State University have developed a material for sodium-ion batteries that offer an alternative to the increasingly ...

Energy & Green Tech

Emerging technology could help extract lithium from new sources

As more drivers adopt plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles, the demand for lithium-ion batteries will continue to explode over the next decade. But processes for extracting lithium can be time-consuming and chemical-intensive, ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Sulfonamides make robust cathode material for proton batteries

Proton batteries are an innovative and environmentally friendly type of battery in which charge is carried by protons, which are positively charged hydrogen ions. A team of researchers has now developed organic sulfonamides ...

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