Energy & Green Tech

Wait for it: A smartphone charge in five minutes

Charging time endured is just a fact of life when you are depending on your mobile gadget. Now there is news of a phone that charges fully in just five minutes—and it could be on the scene next year.

Energy & Green Tech

'Virtual batteries' could lead to cheaper, cleaner power

In the power grid, supply and demand need to match exactly. If consumers demand more power than producers can supply, or if producers provide more power than consumers need, the result can be rolling blackouts.

Computer Sciences

Robot revolution—rise of the intelligent automated workforce

Losing jobs to technology is nothing new. Since the industrial revolution, roles that were once exclusively performed by humans have been slowly but steadily replaced by some form of automated machinery. Even in cases where ...

Energy & Green Tech

Nissan's 2016 Leaf SV, SL do 107 miles per battery charge

What's that? You will get 107 miles on a single charge? No doubt the claim is designed to ring in your ears, as the Nissan Leaf makes its introductions to the public about how it has a new 2016 Leaf which is capable of achieving ...

Energy & Green Tech

StoreDot has plans for 30-second battery charge

( —You heard it last month, last week and most probably will hear the same message tomorrow: battery-bothered ordinary citizens wish that the best and brightest in labs could just take their hands off the next ...

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