Energy & Green Tech

How extreme weather and system aging affect the US photovoltaic fleet

For photovoltaic (PV) systems—designed to operate over lifetimes of 20, 30, or even 50 years—small losses in energy production can add up to measurable differences over time. These differences can even determine whether ...


Study shows challenges to protecting privacy of library users

Librarians have historically taken a strong stand on protecting the privacy of their patrons. But how well they accomplish this varies widely with the size of a library, and technology has made it more difficult, according ...

Machine learning & AI

Good AI, bad AI: Decoding responsible artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is so hot right now. ChatGPT, DALL-E, and other AI-driven platforms are providing us with completely new ways of working. Generative AI is writing everything from cover letters to campaign strategies ...


Most websites do not publish privacy policies, researchers say

Online privacy policies may not only be difficult to find but nonexistent, according to Penn State researchers who crawled millions of websites and found that only one-third of online organizations made their privacy policy ...


Researcher explores effect of hospital mergers on data breaches

The period during and after hospital mergers and acquisitions is an especially vulnerable time for patient data when the chance of a cybersecurity breach more than doubles, according to research by a University of Texas at ...


Tech giants form AI group focused on ensuring safety

Four US leaders in artificial intelligence (AI) announced Wednesday the formation of an industry group devoted to addressing risks that cutting edge versions of the technology may pose.

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