Computer Sciences

Busting anti-queer bias in text prediction

Modern text prediction is far from perfect—take, for instance, when a search query suggests something completely different from your intention. But the trouble doesn't end at inaccuracy. Text prediction can also be extremely ...


Researchers see bias in self-driving software

Autonomous vehicle software used to detect pedestrians is unable to correctly identify dark-skinned individuals as often as those who are light-skinned, according to researchers at King's College in London and Peking University ...


Can we rid artificial intelligence of bias?

Artificial intelligence built on mountains of potentially biased information has created a real risk of automating discrimination, but is there any way to re-educate the machines?

Computer Sciences

Tool helps clear biases from computer vision

Researchers at Princeton University have developed a tool that flags potential biases in sets of images used to train artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The work is part of a larger effort to remedy and prevent the biases ...

Computer Sciences

When bias in applicant screening AI is necessary

Some biases in AI might be necessary to satisfy critical business requirements, but how do we know if an AI recommendation is biased strictly for business necessities and not other reasons?

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