Machine learning & AI

Real or artificial? Tech titans declare AI ethics concerns

The biggest tech companies want you to know that they're taking special care to ensure that their use of artificial intelligence to sift through mountains of data, analyze faces or build virtual assistants doesn't spill over ...

Computer Sciences

Algorithms that adjust for worker race, gender still show biases

Even after algorithms are adjusted for overt hiring discrimination, they may show a subtler kind: preferring workers who mirror dominant groups, according to a new study from researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.


Study finds racial bias in tweets flagged as hate speech

Tweets believed to be written by African Americans are much more likely to be tagged as hate speech than tweets associated with whites, according to a Cornell study analyzing five collections of Twitter data marked for abusive ...


How fake news spreads like a real virus

When it comes to real fake news, the kind of disinformation that Russia deployed during the 2016 elections, "going viral" isn't just a metaphor.

Machine learning & AI

Design approach may help fix bias in artificial intelligence

Bias in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning programs is well established. Researchers from North Carolina State University and Pennsylvania State University are now proposing that software developers incorporate ...

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