Computer Sciences

Training machines to learn more like humans do

Imagine sitting on a park bench, watching someone stroll by. While the scene may constantly change as the person walks, the human brain can transform that dynamic visual information into a more stable representation over ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Developing technology to mimic the function of skin

Scientists at UNSW Sydney have combined artificial synapses with advanced sensors to mimic the properties of human skin, in new research published in Advanced Functional Materials.


Creating buildings with an ecological envelope

Nature in city environs has a positive effect on people's well-being. At the same time, biological diversity in urban areas continues to shrink, for example, because of increasing building density. In the Ecolopes project, ...


Self-organization: What robotics can learn from amoebae

Amoebae are single-cell organisms. By means of self-organization, they can form complex structures—and do this purely through local interactions: If they have a lot of food, they disperse evenly through a culture medium. ...

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning generates pictures of proteins in 5D

By combining machine learning with the laws of physics, researchers in the lab of Matthew Lew, associate professor of electrical and systems engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, have been able to sort out the ...


Q&A: Making Earth-friendly electronics

The very components that make electronics fast and easy to use also make their disposal an environmental nightmare. Components of smartphones, computers and even kitchen appliances contain heavy metals and other compounds ...

Computer Sciences

Algorithms inspired by nature sustain wireless sensor networks

Wireless sensor networks have many applications in environmental monitoring, safety and control monitoring of industrial processes, in healthcare, and in disaster management. To be effective the devices, the sensors, must ...

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