
3D scanning vibrometer is a master of measurements

In a storage area on the west end of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory campus is a machine that can measure anything from a jumbo turbine assembly to a tiny centrifuge component—with near-perfect precision.

Machine learning & AI

Applying fictitious AI to the real world

Seeing a world increasing its reliance on artificial intelligence, or AI, LSU Ph.D. candidate Zita Hüsing decided to take a closer look at AI through fiction. Using the fictional androids seen in the movie "Blade Runner," ...

Energy & Green Tech

Wind powers change in England's industrial heartland

On the banks of the River Humber in northern England, the winds of change are blowing through Hull, where factory workers busily craft turbine blades in a green revolution.

Energy & Green Tech

Bigger, better blades for wind turbines

As Europe's wind turbines grow in size, with individual blades longer than a professional football pitch, the biggest challenge will be delivering more power with less wear.

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A blade is that portion of a tool, weapon, or machine with a cutting edge and/or a pointed tip that is designed to cut and/or puncture, stab, slash, chop, slice, thrust, or scrape animate or inanimate surfaces or materials. A blade may be made from a flaking stone, such as flint, metal (usually steel), ceramic, or other material.

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