
Google disrupts cybercrime web infecting 1 mn devices

Google said Tuesday it has moved to shut down a network of about one million hijacked electronic devices used worldwide to commit online crimes, while also suing Russia-based hackers the tech giant claimed were responsible.


Saving the IoT from botnets

The advent of the Internet of Thing, essentially smart devices with connectivity to the internet has wrought many benefits, but with it comes the problem of how to cope with third party users with malicious or criminal intent.


How to spot a cyberbot—five tips to keep your device safe

You may know nothing about it, but your phone—or your laptop or tablet—could be taken over by someone else who has found their way in through a back door. They could have infected your device with malware to make it a ...

Machine learning & AI

Detecting planted structures in random graphs

Many complex systems can be modeled as irregular networks, with hubs and communities. Researcher Kay Martin Bogerd of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has investigated how existing community detection methods ...


Using blockchain contracts to build botnets

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology that secures the integrity of transactions through digital signatures and will be familiar to anyone who has investigated digital or "crypto" currencies. The technology has ...