
Monitoring bridge safety with wireless sensors

Tens of thousands of bridges across the country are deteriorating, creating potentially dangerous conditions. Particularly after a natural disaster, being able to assess a bridge's structural integrity can be critical.


New way to predict the damage and aging of bridges

The Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) announced that it has developed D.N.A. (Data, Network, and AI) technologies to predict the levels of damage and aging of bridges for preventive maintenance.


Bridges under pressure

Can a bridge withstand an earthquake? One of the big unknowns is how far a bridge might settle from seismic shaking, especially if the shaking triggers a quicksand-like soil response called liquefaction.

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A bridge is a structure built to span a valley, road, railroad track, river, body of water, or any other physical obstacle, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. Designs of bridges will vary depending on the function of the bridge and the nature of the terrain where the bridge is to be constructed.

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